Please attend the Pins/Awards and Installation (P/A&I) night on Saturday, June 22 in the St Joseph Parish Hall. This event is open to all Brother Knights and their spouses as well as to all widows of deceased brother Knights. There will be a short meeting after the meal, at which time we will present the Pins and Awards. This will be followed by the installation of the 2024/25 Executive.
The supper will be catered by Charlotte’s and will be a roast beef supper.
Social – 6:00 (after the 5:00 Mass)
Supper – 6:30, followed by the P/A&I
Tickets are subsidized by your council and will only cost $10 per person with a complimentary ticket to all widows of deceased brother Knights. Tickets will be available at the church entrances after the masses on the weekend of June 8/9 and 15/16. OR you can call Gilles at (306) 631-7458 or e-mail and indicate how many tickets you want. You can e-transfer your payments to, indicate “Banquet Tickets” in the comments.