Charity Appeal Tickets

Dear Brother Knights,

Fall is nearly here and so begins our Knights of Columbus charity appeal ticket drive. These ticket sales usually nets our council around $2,000 to $2,400 in addition to proceeds going towards charities like Special Olympics and Teen aid throughout the province.

Charity appeal is one of our biggest fundraisers and goes very far in contributing to our efforts to support our church and our community. This is an opportunity for all Brother Knights to help out by selling the enclosed tickets. More tickets sold means more money for our council and our charitable projects. 

For every ticket ($1) we sell, we get approximately 65 cents back from State council. 

We are required to have all tickets sold and unsold returned as per the gaming lottery license. Please return your sold and unsold tickets and money by October 10, 2024 to Karl Gross PO BOX 155 STN MAIN S6H 4N8 or call me at 306-681-5297.

Good luck and thank you for participating with this important ticket drive.

Thank you,

Karl Gross, Grand Knight

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