Grand Knight: Cody Geiger
Past Grand Knight: Dale Toni
Chaplain: Fr George Thatturampil
Deputy Grand Knight: Gilles L’Heureux
Chancellor: Karl Gross
Recorder: David Corry
Financial Secretary: Gerry Gieni
Treasurer: Adolph Rossler
The Advocate: Marcel Gagnon
Warden: Jim Allonby
Inside Guard: Al Hildebrandt
Outside Guard: Roshan Xavier
Trustee 3rd Year: Dale Toni
Trustee 2nd Year: Del Wagner
Trustee 1st Year: Dave Duncan
District Deputy: Keith Byers
Front row: Ramon Martin Revilla Anthony Billie Ihkuna Conrad Christopher D Rose
Front row: Ed Shenom, (Unknown, Fr Gilpin Council), Emerson Anthony Garcia Aritao, Martin Mason, Ashish Rajesh Gupta, Van Khoa Dim
Fabin Roosevelt, Chinedu Owabafor, Nyerhovwo Onodjae, Lucas Wonsiak
Nelson Airadion, Gibby George, Kevin Nguyen
?, Romeo Baguna, John Josekutty, Kemper Portocarrero, ?, Daryl Autet, Robert Rose, Steven Jose Kattacheril
Fabin Roosevelt, Chinedu Owabafor, Nyerhovwo Onodjae, Lucas Wonsiak
Deacon Lamont and Katherine Family
Michael and Pamela Diacon
Michael and Pamela Diacon
Gibbie George and Riya Joy
Rick & Joanne Yuke Family
Arturo & Joyce Magnaye
Clayton & Jodie Bzdel
Abner & Elizabeth Granil Family
Paul & Susanne Ellis
Hervé & Odile Lahamy Family
Richard & JoAnn Yuke Family
Kyle & Joleen Lichtenwald Fam
Ben & Rosalie Boots
Lazurko Family
Flanagan Family
Anderson Family
Keith & Donna Appel